Some More Projects

Broadway Dreams Foundation – Summer Intensive

.type advertising & eblast .name Broadway Dreams Foundation's 2008 Summer Intensive collateral .target Children 12-18 and their parents .description A flyer targeting students to sign up for the week-long intensive. An eblast targeting parents to purchase...

PBS September Home Video Catalog Cover

.type publication .name PBS September Home Video Catalog Cover .target Adults who support PBS .description From the client "Just fan out the catalogs. This is the most dynamic cover we have ever...

ReliOn Lancet Box

.type packaging .name ReliOn Lancets Retail Boxes .target Adults with diabetes .description Boxes for Walmart's house brand of diabetes...

Relion Nitrile Gloves

.type packaging .name ReliOn Nitrile Gloves Retail Box .target Adults with diabetes .description Box for Walmart's house brand of diabetes products. .additional...

StageRight Music Catalog

.type publication .name StageRight Music Catalog Mailer .target Children 12-18 and their parents .description A smaller size of the original music catalog for more cost effective direct-mail promotions. .additional...